
In the Press

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Popular Science

MITO In Action

Ghost net cleaning event in HK

MITO inspecting Cirque De Soleil

MITO with shark in BeiJing Aquarim

Media Reports

Forbes: Billionaire Superyacht Toys: The 12 Best Toys And Gadgets For 2018

CNET: This drone explores the ocean

Yahoo!: The Mito drone captures underwater action without the nausea-inducing footage

Digital Trends: The Mito drone captures underwater action without the nausea-inducing footage

DeeperBlue: Navatics Unveils New MITO underwater ROV

New Altas: MITO underwater drone wants to go steady with you

The Photographer: Navatics MITO Underwater Drone Lets You Channel Your Inner Jacques Costeau

Tech HD: 5 amazing inventions you must see

Steemit: Navatics MITO – Very stable underwater drones

Great Lakes Scuttlebutt: Meet Navatics MITO: the most stable underwater drone

Dive Magazine: New Kickstarter Funded Underwater Drone From Hong Kong-based Navatics

Media request

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